Hawaii Engagement: Tricia & Brandon

We had the pleasure of working with Tricia and Brandon for this session. They came as a referral from their family members: Kekai & Bronson. Brandon is actually Bronson’s older brother, so we were ecstatic when we were asked to work with them!

Have a quick look into our session and enjoy!

We Got Another Kepa!

Hello All!

As the state slowly opened up and restrictions were eased, we slowly were able to get back to shooting with our clients :)

Our very first session back gave us the pleasure of working with Kekai and Bronson. You may remember them from our engagement session with them a while back. Seeing Kekai holding Brixon in her tummy was so cute! This was their maternity session with us after all. The funny thing is, we weren’t sure if a session was even possible. Luckily once the state eased up a bit on their restrictions and closures, we were able to get their session in. Crazy thing is… Brixon was born not too long after! This session was a surprise from Kai to the world, just as Brixon decided to make his own surprise and enter the world earlier than expected! Now that he is here, here is a look into our session! Welcome to the world Brixon Kepa! Enjoy all!

COVID19 Kind Things

Hello All!

As you all know, 2020 has been interesting. We are about 1 month and some days into the HI stay at home order in lieu of the COVID19 pandemic. Honestly, if you folks are going crazy, i don’t blame you. Jokes aside, this pandemic has affected us all. We need to remember that we are doing this for our own good. Some agree with the extensions of the order, others don’t. We agree to disagree. Just a reminder that we are all in this together!

There is a plus to this… We are less exposed to the virus (obviously -_-* lol), and being at home allows us to spend more time with our families. We even get to work our backlog in between hehe.

With that said, it breaks my heart that we weren’t able to work with some seniors for their portraits, but we are glad they are still wanting to do them when this is all over. All in all, hoping this blows over soon. Hope you are all well and staying safe :)



Family Pictures With The Gbolos

A few years back, we had the pleasure of photographing my cousin Faye’s wedding day. It was an epic mix of culture and love. When you get a chance, look back in the blog for a quick look over the awesome day :)

Fast forward to today. Lawrence and Faye were back in Hawaii, and contacted us for a quick family session. This time however, they brought a new companion… My niece Lina! I would always see pictures and videos of Lina, but she is sooooooo cute in person as well! Not only is she cute, but kolohe/naughty as well haha. Lucky our younger son was there to play with her and somewhat entertain her haha. Thanks again Gbolo family for allowing us to be with you!

Take a look at our quick session and enjoy :)


Senior Portraits: Clayton

A few weeks back, we had the pleasure of working with our nephew Clay for his senior portrait session. Working with family always guarantees fun and adventure!

I had the pleasure of seeing someone who was once a young boy flourish into the young man that stood in front of my lens. Seeing Clay grow over the years really flips the retrospect switch. I used to hear him talk about WWE and COD, and now its all about Toyota 4Runners and fishing. It was truly a blessing watching him grow up the past few years. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you, and remember that family is always gonna have your back! Congrats Clay!

Here’s a look into our session that took us to a few different spots. We battled rain, mud, wind, and crazies haha. Enjoy!


Keiki Of The Future: Westside Striking

They say children are the future. This couldn’t be any more true. The keiki of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. They will be the ones leading us in due time. This pertains to everything, including combat sports.

I had the pleasure of getting some portraits done with some of the keiki of an awesome and humble group that is Westside Striking. As the name implies, we ventured out West to Waianae. Now any negative stereotypes you may have or may have heard, try to tune them out. Not everything you heard is 100% true all the time. Sometimes, some unfortunate things happen. A couple of bad apples should ruin your opinion of the whole tree. In fact, some of the kindest people I know are in Waianae. Some were even born and raised there. Just remember, don’t mistake ANYONE’S Aloha for weakness ;)

I was able to work with some of the members of the team. It’s hard to believe this was hardly a fraction of the whole team. It was a fun session, and hopefully won’t be the last with this awesome and humble group. Take a quick look and enjoy! Thanks again to the coaches, kids, and parents for having us there!
